A selection of illustrations commissioned for various publications.

To Save the World (And Build it Anew)
Student activists helped bring us Black and Ethnic Studies, Gender Studies, and faculty DEI initiatives. Now, they need our support.
The Forum, 2024

Go Down, Moseses
The ahistorical quest for timeless apostles of black liberation
The New Republic, 2021

The Populist Morass
Why liberal policy savants deplore rule by the people
The Baffler, 2018

Why is David Leonhardt So Happy?
He has repeatedly declared the pandemic is in retreat. He has cast doubt on masks. And he has one of the biggest platforms at The New York Times
The New Republic, 2022
Art director:
Robert A. Di Ieso Jr.

Prime Real Estate
Will Amazon’s glitzy new indoor park enrich the local community?
The New Republic, 2021

Selling The American Space Dream
The cosmic delusions of Elon Musk and Wernher von Braun
The New Republic, 2020

The Denial of Debt
Behind the drive to tamp down inflation is a deeper narrative of top-down class warfare
The Forum, 2022

The Forgotten First Voting Rights Act
How the defeat of the 1890 Lodge bill presaged today’s age of ballot-driven backlash
The Forum, 2022

Lone-Star Inquisition
How the Texas book ban harks back to the heyday of the Confederacy
The Forum, 2022

The Unacceptable Costs of Appeasing MAGA Nation
Why we can’t afford to make peace with white supremacists
The New Republic, 2021

Questioning Race Up Close
How teachers can help dismantle a lethal social fiction
The Forum, 2022

The Century of Spin
In the formative days of public relations, elites imagined a “guided democracy”
The Baffler, 2019

A Few Good Men
Jordan Neely’s killer and the racist violence at the heart of the American imperial project
The Forum, 2023

Everything Must Go
Selling off—and selling out—the public sector
The Baffler, 2019

The Great Bank Robbery of 2023
The nation's biggest banks are netting big profits from rising interest rates while ripping off everyone else.
The Lever, 2023

The End of Freedom
How America lost its fervor for its defining ideal
The New Republic, 2021

Texas’s Ongoing War on Emancipation
White retrenchment in the home of Juneteenth
The Forum, 2022

The Worst of Times
How the paper of record enables the CRT moral panic
The Forum, 2022

Called to Purchase
How mayor Stephen Reed shopped Harrisburg, PA, straight to hell
The Baffler, 2016

Unwoke and Illiberal
A behind-the-scenes dispatch from the vanguard flank of the anti-CRT school wars
The Forum, 2022

An American Tale
How Cold War officialdom made the world safe for propaganda
The Baffler, 2019

Meet The New Kingpin
With the rise of Bowlero, private equity has come for bowling
The Lever, 2024

Exalted Slogans
The curse of radical academic discourse
The Baffler, 2018

Whitewashing Replacement Theory
Disoriented by racial terror, pundits rush to peddle new lies about critical race theory—and to both-sides murderous hatred
The Forum, 2022

The Revolution Will Not Be Curated
Making sense of curatolatry
The Baffler, 2017

Montana’s Money Pit
A shining city on a hill, with Superfund site
The Baffler, 2020

White Anxiety, Redefined
The psychic wages of disfiguring the meaning of critical race theory
The Forum, 2022

The Plunder Artist
Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover is an act of colonial hubris
The Forum, 2022

Juneteenth and the Fables of Emancipation
Excavating the brutal social truths beneath a holiday of uplift
The Forum, 2022

Corruptions of Empire
Getting over the indispensable-nation complex
The Baffler, 2016

Can the Socialist Mayor Rise Again?
India Walton wants to revive a tradition of social democracy in America’s great cities
The New Republic, 2021
Art director:
Robert A. Di Ieso Jr.

Psephology in Free Fall
Or why the polls tell you nothing you actually need to know
The Baffler, 2017

Bridges to Nowhere
On liberal dreams of a more imperfect union
The Baffler, 2018

Inside the Paranoid, Highly Excitable Ecosystem of the Vaccine Card Black Market
The New Republic, 2021
Art director:
Robert A. Di Ieso Jr.

Memorializing a Medical Predator
J. Marion Sims’ all-too-slow fall from scientific renown speaks volumes about the institutions that shore up white male impunity
The Forum, 2022